Iroha has been hurt in everyday casual moments. The symptom was terrible more than I thought, and the daily life did not become pleasant. After worrying, iroha decided to come to helper. A young and sturdy helper is a favorite of iroha, and she cared about the ABCs that lived in an inconvenient life. The iroha had the chest closed. One day, helper bought a cake for the ABCs that she didn't have recently. The absurdity of his kindness embraced him. The two in the bedroom asked like a lover and loved each other. But his words came out of his mouth. Helper is a new type of gym. Although it was a kind of honesty type, iroha was also in the form of a manly figure who carried it with a cold hug. It is a new helper who works with work and work, but there are some parts of the iroha. So, the furrow was chased by the eye. The ABCs in the bedroom were playing with their previous helpers and watching the new helpers. New helper to the room. I pulled out the new helper who tried to go out in a hurry, and was able to remove the pants skillfully from the word, and confirmed the mock of the furrow that was worried. When the iroha swallowed the spines, he turned his tongue into a big butt more than expected.