A yokan who always stays at the No.1 nomination in a men's beauty salon that is rumored to have been secretly opened in a luxury apartment building in Tokyo! This time, I went to the store for half a year and succeeded in dissuading myself from saying that I was showing the ultimate nipple blame that only regular yokans can taste! When I found a man who was nervous to sit on his bed, Mr. Yotei gently spoke and sat next to him. He blaming the nipples that had already been broken from the top of his clothes. As he crouched backwards, he began to use his legs while using his pants to stimulate them simultaneously. The shirtless Yotei smiled with a powerful, devilish smile at the man's nipples. The man who was carefully blamed for nipples by his fingers, toes, tongue, etc. is now causing chiko to burst up. Without overlooking such a sight, the yote made me look like a puppet while continuing my nipples. Chiko, who was frustrated with maiko to the limit, eventually ejaculated with yorogi's very good koki technique ...! look at everything.