Miwa momozawa kept the world peace as a member of mana Ranger. On the other hand, manared, who was a hero of justice, looked at pink with his usual eyes. Even though he was fighting with the enemy, he was so indecisive and serious pink that he could not find the mana pink chest and buttocks. Pink with numbness is a strong cold tone to give out the war. Red is very angry with his refusal, and he has a close feeling of guilt against pink. Pink is responsible, and goes to a person investigation to the point where red reaction is broken. Gerbera, who appears to be a human being, abandons the body as human and calls the red who is the red. Pink desperately calls that red is brainwashed. However, red confuses the previous work, twists dignity, and knows that he has become a monster by his own intention to understand his worth. Red says that the power that was remodeled is' man's power ', and the pink is destroyed by the strong monster, and the helmet, the chest, and the uterus are grasped with the grip power. I promise to help only life if I beg to forgive and forgive me. It looks like the pink beggars begging, and the red filled with vengeance will focus on the fist and beat the pink. Bad end